In Memory

Tom James Flemming

22 Jul 1983 - 17 Feb 2022

On the 17th February 2022, the world got a little darker and a lot quieter when we lost our much loved son, brother, uncle, grandson and friend to so many - Tom. 

Tom was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer in September 2020 at just 37 years old. Throughout his 17 months battle, he never once complained about the hand he was dealt - "it is what it is mate" was his response to any one who said it was so unfair.  

As the cancer spread through his body at a rapid rate metasising to his liver, bones, brain and shortly after to his spine which left him paralysed from the chest down. 

Even this didn't stop Tom making the most of every day, and as the need for carers came we would often hear him greeting them with a chirpy "Hiya mate", "Morning darling" and the odd "FFS, don't use that bowl/cloth/flannel etc", but that was our Tom. He made his mark on just about everyone who crossed his path. 

Mountbatten were with our family at the start of his at home care journey and they were with us at our home when he took his last breath. 

As a family we cannot thank this wonderful charity enough for all of the kindness, graciousness and care that they gave not only to Tom, but also to our family, whilst they cared for him. 

Tom was a fighter, a warrior and the bravest man we could ever have wished to have known.

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