
Distance: 8 miles

Time: 2-3hrs

Bus Time: 11:30am. Walkers are taken by a private coach from Romsey to their starting location. For more detailed information, click here.

Horsebridge is a small village near King's Somborne.

This is a pleasant and easy stroll if you are looking for something a little longer than the 5 miles from Mottisfont. Much of this route follows the course of the old Andover to Southampton railway line, otherwise known as the 'Sprat and Winkle'. 

Pass the John of Gaunt pub before continuing past one of the few remaining old railway stations, 'Horsebridge'. The station was closed in the 1960s as part of the Beeching closures and is now privately owned.

On to Lower Brook, cross the meadows and finish this section on grass tracks at the famous Mottisfont Abbey. This is a National Trust property whose walled kitchen garden holds the national collection of old-fashioned roses.

Then onwards to Romsey's Memorial Park, where there'll be a warm finish-line welcome and a medal!​

View a map of the route

General info:
The route is fully marshalled, patrolled and signposted at key points. There are toilets on the route also. 

Detailed event information 

Walkers under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dogs must be kept under strict control and on a short lead at all times.

Fitness Requirements:
You should be confident that you can walk your chosen distance. The route has a number of stiles and gateways, plus some rough
ground to negotiate. It is not suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs.

Event Medical:
All marshalls have mobile phones, and there is medical assistance on-site in the event of an emergency.

