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This Christmas, Sally will be dedicating a light in memory of her husband, Steve, who received care from Mountbatten for several years after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, in 2016.

Steve was a regular visitor to the hospice and became a familiar figure in the Hazel Centre, which offers rehabilitation and self-help services to anyone facing death, dying and bereavement. 

After Steve was diagnosed, Sally watched his life tumble into crisis after 18 weeks of chemotherapy left him physically and emotionally drained. 

However, a programme of rehabilitation with Mountbatten picked him up and, gradually, he was able to walk again and would go on to take part in parkruns in Southampton. 

During his regular visits, Steve became instrumental in setting up Mountbatten's Build and Banter group, which is open to men living with terminal diagnosis. 

The group provides an oppourtunity to talk openly, while also having fun by building complex Lego sets. 

Steve was part of Build and Banter since it started and had been involved in the group until he died earlier this year. 

"Steve felt very comfortable visiting Mountbatten, and everyone made him feel so well supported," said Sally. 

"It made such a difference to Steve's life and ours together, so it's somewhere special to us both." 

To show their gratitude to Mountbatten, Steve and Sally asked guests at their wedding in 2019 to donate money to the hospice, instead of wedding gifts. The gesture raised over £2,000. 

"Joining Light up a Life this December will give me and my loved ones the opportunity to remember Steve this Christmas."           

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