At Mountbatten, we recognise that providing holistic care includes helping you to face difficult issues about the meaning and value of life. These are spiritual questions and they can cause us distress and pain when we face them on our own. They are common to all of us, whether or not we follow a religious path or practise a faith.

There are many questions that we may face as we come to terms with a life-threatening condition, or as we experience the death of a loved one:

  • Why am I suffering?
  • What has been the point of my life?
  • How can I find meaning in this experience?
  • Is there anything beyond this life?

All our Mountbatten staff are here to support you if you are asking these questions. Our Spiritual Care team is also here to listen with care, with compassion and in confidence to whatever you wish to raise, and wherever you are.

Additional support from the Spiritual Care Team

  • Bedside Communion
  • Making contact with your faith community
  • Prayer and anointing
  • Companionship and conversation or silent support
  • Funeral planning